Lesson 5 - Tactile Exploration: A Pair of Glasses

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This lesson is a demonstration of tactile exploration of a delicate object (a pair of glasses).

0:00 Encouraging tactile exploration with a pair of glasses.
0:07 In this video, I will demonstrate how to encourage your child if they tend to let go of your hand while you're talking to them or trying to show them something.
0:15 We've talked about how the speaking and listening hands should be connected in previous videos.
0:20 We call this a Protactile hand configuration.
0:23 Let's get set up here.
0:25 My hand starts at your shoulder and trails down your arm until my speaking hand rests underneath your listening hand.
0:32 Now we're ready to communicate.
0:33 First, I bring both of our hands up to touch my glasses and encourage you to feel them.
0:38 Remember that it's important for our hands to remain in contact.
0:42 So as your hand slips down my arm I reestablish our hand-to-hand connection.
0:46 I always lift your hand from underneath then bring it up to contact my glasses so you can feel them.
0:52 I take my time holding our hands to their frame and then the lenses, to encourage you to feel them.
0:57 When you do begin to feel them on your own, I move my hand to the outside of yours, observing you and giving you positive feedback, encouraging your tactile exploration.
1:07 Through this process you have a better understanding of what I feel like.
1:13 "Now where are your glasses?"
1:15 (instructor chuckles)

Up next

Lesson 1 - Proper Hand Placement and Use

Series episodes

Lesson 1 - Introduction to protractile language.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to protractile language.
Lesson 2 - Tactile Exploration of an Object.
Lesson 2 - Tactile Exploration of an Object.
Lesson 3 - Tactile Exploration of Two Cups
Lesson 3 - Tactile Exploration of Two Cups
Lesson 4 - Tactile Exploration: Stuffed Dog
Lesson 4 - Tactile Exploration: Stuffed Dog
Lesson 5 - Tactile Exploration: A Pair of Glasses
Lesson 5 - Tactile Exploration: A Pair of Glasses